Justiça Militar da União em evolução

a mais tradicional justiça brasileira e os desafios da atualidade


  • Ricardo Moglia Pedra Analista Judiciário da Justiça Militar da União


Union Military Justice, History, Present challenges, Judicial reform, Increment of competence – PEC 358/05


The present article addresses the theme Union Military Justice evolving, performing a historical analysis about the present challenges and the future perspective, comprising an approach about the past, present and future of the most traditional of the specialized justices in our country. The study is justified before the constant questions of the legal community about the necessity to maintain an own state apparatus for examination and judgments of the military crimes established by law, as well as considering the new challenges of the Brazilian Judiciary, especially with the new goals and objectives traced by the National Council of Justice – NCJ. Therefore, the Military Justice was situated in the historical context, following the political and social changes in the national scenery, until the promulgation of the Federal Constitution in 1988 and the later judicial reform effected by Constitutional Amendment number 45. We also analyzed the engagement of the Union Military Justice, through the Military Superior Court of Justice, to the new practices stimulated by NCJ, such as the establishment and fulfillment of goals, preparation and implementation of the strategic planning, as well as the preparation for the introduction of the electronic process. The aim was also to perform an analysis of the future tendencies of adaptation of the Military Justice to the new times and suitability to the wishes of the Brazilian society that, like all human group, is evolving. To end, it is concluded that the Union Military Justice, after it has written its bicentenary history, achieving the feat that it has never stopped working during all the long period of its existence, it has proved its reason to exist, continuing the evolving process and adaptation to the new paradigms of the Judiciary, and thus, keep serving its jurisdiction with a high standard of excellence.


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How to Cite

Pedra, R. M. (2023). Justiça Militar da União em evolução: a mais tradicional justiça brasileira e os desafios da atualidade. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 41(24), 1–20. Retrieved from https://revista.mpm.mp.br/rmpm/article/view/279