The Role of Intelligence Services for the Prosecutor’s Offices’ Fight against Corruption
Public Ministry, Intelligence, Criminal Investigation, Corruption, Money LaunderingAbstract
The serious nature of the crimes related to corruption, to misappropriation of public resources, and to money laundering, associated with the high level of complexity of these investigations, is requiring the Public Ministry to take a step further in the fight against this type of crime. In this context, this article proposes the creation of a Ministerial Intelligence Unit focused on the fight against corruption, able to produce knowledge to improve the institutional initiatives in this area and also to provide an efficiency gain in these investigations. With this purpose, Sherman Kent's definition of intelligence has been elected as a theoretical framework and has been used to differentiate this concept from that of criminal investigation. Furthermore, using Complementary Law 75/93 as a base for analysis, this study verified the compatibility of intelligence activity with the institutional functions of the Public Ministry. The study also has focused on the recent phenomenon of creation of specialized centers within the structure of Prosecutor Offices to assist on cases of corruption. This thesis then observes that these centers are not truly intelligence units, as most of them are agencies of execution, which means that they work in the investigations and processes with the Natural Prosecutor of the case or, instead of him. However, they tend to contribute to the formation of the ministerial intelligence because of their expertise in the matter, and the possibility of composing a database to apply intelligence tools, such as criminal analysis, for example. In the end of the study, the conclusion is that in order to combat properly corruption, it is necessary to institutionalize ministerial intelligence activity within the structure of Public Ministry, as well as legitimize through institutionalization the process of producing knowledge in order to provide the Public Ministry with important data destined to develop strategies and actions to prevent corruption and/or to reduce its incidence, and also to make the investigation of these crimes more effective.
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