Is there a presumption of innocence in the military disciplinary sphere?


  • Juliana Paula de Souza Superior Tribunal Militar


presumption of innocence, independence of spheres, disciplinary punishment, constitutional mission, military institutions


It generates non-conformity, which sometimes leads to judicialization, when a soldier, who is still responding to administrative disciplinary or criminal proceedings or who is in precautionary arrest, that is even before a final decision, becomes sub judice, thus, suffering some career restrictions, for example, being prevented from being included in the access list for promotion, career progression with the due pecuniary effects. Thus, faced with a possible premature interpretation that this impediment to the administrative act of promotion, due to the fact that it is sub judice, could constitute an anticipation of the effects of a conviction that may not even exist and or that would be an injustice or discriminatory act, it is necessary to understand whether, in fact, there is, and should be, a presumption of innocence in the military disciplinary sphere. It is also important to know the reasons for this temporary restriction on career advancement and, also, promotion in compensation for neglect. Furthermore, given the specificities of the military disciplinary sphere, it is necessary to clarify why the mass transport of Principles from the criminal sphere to the military disciplinary sphere is not appropriate.

Author Biography

Juliana Paula de Souza, Superior Tribunal Militar

Specialist in Military Law with Higher Education Teaching at Candido Mendes University (CBEPJUR). Air Force soldier, assigned to the Superior Military Court (STM). Professor of the course on Military Disciplinary Law, Human Rights of Military Personnel and Aircraft Detention Measure Law (Slaughter Law) at CBEPJUR. Professor of Military Disciplinary Law at Verbo Jurídica, State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Escola Mineira de Direito, Gran Cursos and Cejur (Unyleya). She worked in the Special Flight Inspection Group (GEIV) and in the Investigation and Justice Section of the Airspace Control Department (DECEA). CV Lattes:


ASSIS, Jorge Cesar de. Curso de Direito Disciplinar Militar – 6. ed. Curitiba: Juruá, 2022.

BACELLAR FILHO, Romeu Felipe. Processo Administrativo Disciplinar. 4. ed. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2013.

SOUZA, Juliana Paula de et al. Direito Administrativo Militar. 2. ed. São Paulo: JusPodivm, 2022.



How to Cite

de Souza, J. P. (2023). Is there a presumption of innocence in the military disciplinary sphere?. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 50(41), 381–402. Retrieved from