The argumentative purpose of the weight formula of Alexy

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14204157



formula, balancing, legal reasoning


Robert Alexy’s mathematical representation of balancing (the weight formula) suggests the correctness of the exact sciences. This sounds incompatible with the Law. However, would alexyana formula really aspire to resolve the tension between principles with accuracy? This paper intends to answer this question, saying that the weight formula is more than a mathematical representation, it has an argumentative purpose. The investigation will use the bibliographic review method, establishing a dialogue between the two most representative works of Robert Alexy that deal with the Theory of Legal Argumentation and the Theory of Fundamental Rights. Other authors from Brazil and abroad will also be analyzed with the aim of providing theoretical support to achieve the intended purpose of this research.

Author Biography

Celson Rodrigo Lima dos Santos, Universidade de Brasília

Master in Constitution and Society from the Brasilia Institute of Public Law (IDP). Graduated in Law from the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB)
CV Lattes:


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Foto do autor



How to Cite

Lima dos Santos, C. R. (2024). The argumentative purpose of the weight formula of Alexy: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14204157. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 51(45), 303–344. Retrieved from