Negotiated criminal justice in Italian military criminal procedure and the application of the criminal non-prosecution agreement for military personnel in Brazil

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13982401


  • João Carlos de Figueiredo Rocha Military Public Ministry


Negotiable criminal justice, non-criminal prosecution agreement, Military Criminal Procedural Law


Innovation of the so-called anti-crime package that inserted article 28-A into the common Criminal Procedure Code, the Non-Criminal Prosecution Agreement is still a very controversial topic in the Brazilian's Military Justice. However, in the Italian specialized justice this fact has been a reality for more than two decades, without there having been any allegations of offense against the precepts of hierarchy and discipline in the Armed Forces.

Author Biography

João Carlos de Figueiredo Rocha, Military Public Ministry

Military Public Prosecutor


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Foto do autor



How to Cite

de Figueiredo Rocha, J. C. (2024). Negotiated criminal justice in Italian military criminal procedure and the application of the criminal non-prosecution agreement for military personnel in Brazil: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13982401. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 51(44), 443–452. Retrieved from