Criminal immunities of UN peacekeepers


  • Juliane Rigon Taborda Defensora Pública Federal


International criminal law, Criminal immunities, Peacekeeping mission, The United Nations, Foreigner


It is an ordinary practice at the United Nations to send peacekeeping missions to countries in need of an intervention of a non-state agent. These missions rely on other countries collaboration, which provide their own nationals, including their military troops, to be part of the mission and to be under the UN orders. Peacekeeping missions, therefore, are composed by persons whose nationality is other than the nationality of the receiving country. Consequently, they are submitted to an international criminal immunities regime. Why does this regime exist? What is a peacekeeping mission and how its nature is related to the criminal immunities regime? What are the international law instruments that ground this regime?


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How to Cite

Taborda, J. R. (2023). Criminal immunities of UN peacekeepers. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 45(29), 281–310. Retrieved from