The competence of the Armed Forces and the Federal Constitution of 1988 and the role they play in maintaining Internal Security


  • Raul Jungmann Ministro de Estado da Defesa


Competence of The Armed Forces, Role of Armed Forces, Internal Security, Guarantee of Law and Order


The armed forces have been increasingly involved in operations to guarantee domestic law and order. This fact should be looked at carefully because calling on the armed forces to participate in managing domestic security should only be in exceptional cases and not the norm which is against the current trend, The priority of the armed forces should be national defense and protection of sovereignty and not to act as a police force. To avoid this situation, it is necessary that we have a well trained and prepared police force to uphold law and order of the country.


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How to Cite

Jungmann, R. (2023). The competence of the Armed Forces and the Federal Constitution of 1988 and the role they play in maintaining Internal Security. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 44(27), 70–79. Retrieved from