A aplicação do princípio da insignificância pela autoridade policial militar


  • André Lázaro Ferreira Augusto Juiz-Auditor Substituto da Justiça Militar da União


Military authority, Principle of insignificance, Military crimes, Application


The military, when acting as responsible for criminal procedures may observe acts where it is clear that, if the offender was convicted, will be sensitive disproportion between the punishment that it will be applied and evil he has caused. Thus, the present study will analyze the possibility of the Military Police Authority to apply the principle of insignificance to prevent the establishment of investigation or to prevent the offender is taken to jail. For this, will be studied the military crime, the main characteristics of the military police investigation procedures, the principle of insignificance and the treatment they receive from the Brazilian doctrine and jurisprudence.


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How to Cite

Augusto, A. L. F. (2023). A aplicação do princípio da insignificância pela autoridade policial militar. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 41(24), 1–40. Retrieved from https://revista.mpm.mp.br/rmpm/article/view/282