Considerations on the military crime of violation of functional secrecy as a blank criminal norm


  • Leonardo Cardoso de Castro Dickinson Pós-graduando em Direito Militar pela Escola Mineira de Direito.Advogado Criminalista.


Military Law, litary Criminal Procedure, military crime, violation of functional secrecy


This article explores the particularities of the military crime of violation of functional secrecy (Art. 326 CPM), notably, as a blank criminal norm, in addition to bringing specific questions about the National Doctrine of Public Security Intelligence – DNISP (Decree 7.845/2012 ) – as complementary and essential to the conduct in question. In conclusion, it is reasonable to apply Law 12,527, of November 18, 2011, complemented by Decree no. 7,845, of November 14, 2012, as essential norms for the hermeneutics of the military criminal type of violation of functional secrecy. It was also clear that the assessment of Art. 326 of the Military Penal Code, under the prism of the aforementioned norms, promotes greater legal certainty and efficiency to the exercise of Military Justice, since these objectives are essential to the continuous reasonable jurisdictional provision in the democratic state of law.


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How to Cite

Dickinson, L. C. de C. (2023). Considerations on the military crime of violation of functional secrecy as a blank criminal norm. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 49(38), 77–98. Retrieved from