A justiça restaurativa como concretização do garantismo positivo

Um estudo panorâmico


  • Ilana Martins Luz Mestranda em Direito Público, na linha Constituição, Estado e Direitos Fundamentais


Restorative justice, Fundamental rights, Generation of fundamental rights, Positive criminal guaranteed


This work is an approach to the new paradigm of criminal conflict resolution, restorative justice as a means of achieving a positive criminal guaranteed. It was a study that seeks to legitimize the use of restorative practices, which need to be formulated to diminish the criminal prosecution. For the development of the theme, addressed are the issues related to punitive paradigm, the birth of the restorative paradigm, fundamental rights and their evolution, and the integrated criminal justice system that protects the rights of first and second generation. In the end, had to answer to the problem posed in the sense that the paradigm of restorative realize the rights of first and second generation, while performing a positive intervention in the criminal phenomenon, relieving the offender of the dreadful fate of a pen and repairing the injury suffered by the victim of crime.


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How to Cite

Luz, I. M. (2023). A justiça restaurativa como concretização do garantismo positivo: Um estudo panorâmico. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 38(22), 145–178. Retrieved from https://revista.mpm.mp.br/rmpm/article/view/313