Women in the Armed Forces

Leadership, Trajectories and Challenges


  • Taiza Andrade Mariani Primeiro-Tenente (RM2-T) da Marinha do Brasil. Bacharel em direito pela Faculdade de Direito de Vitória (FDV). Pós-Graduada em Direito Constitucional e Direito Público


Women's Law, Armed Forces, Human Rights, Isonomy


In Brazil, for a long time, the Armed Forces were restricted to male participation. However, with the women's struggle for equality in the social, professional and educational environment and the consequent achievement of Women's Rights expressed in the most diverse legal provisions, both national and international, the Armed Forces have progressively allowed the presence of women. As a result, this work seeks to propose reflections on the civic rights conquered by women in the National and International Plan, the trajectory of women in the Armed Forces and the challenges that they still face in the military environment


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How to Cite

Mariani, T. A. (2023). Women in the Armed Forces: Leadership, Trajectories and Challenges. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 49(36), 313–328. Retrieved from https://revista.mpm.mp.br/rmpm/article/view/37