Cumulative investigation of terrorism crimes and genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. Implications on military justice


  • Rotariu Irinel


terrorism, genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, migration flows


The atrocities committed recently in Ukraine, the participation of European citizens in various conflicts abroad, and the freedom of circulation of persons involved in atrocities as national subjects in their origin countries, in European Union, raised the important problem of prosecuting of crimes committed in an effective manner these crimes. EU judicial bodies and authorities tried to establish the most efficient instruments to assure a real justice when the most important values of life are endangered. Cumulative prosecution of core international crimes and terrorism is an actual tendency of EU top judicial activity.

Author Biography

Rotariu Irinel

Chief military prosecutor, Military Prosecutor’s Office Iași, Romania, Romanian Public Ministry.



Rotariu Irinel



How to Cite

Irinel, R. (2024). Cumulative investigation of terrorism crimes and genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. Implications on military justice. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 51(42), 87–108. Retrieved from