The compatibility of the military penal code with the penal code in the competition of crimes:

non-observance of the peculiarities of military criminal law regarding the application of penalties depriving freedom in cases of material accumulation. The impediment penalty


  • Milord Silva Ministério Público Militar


crime contest, cumulative material, impediment and insubordination


This article analyzes the changes that Law number 14.688, 20th september, 2023, promoted in the Military Penal Code in relation to the competition of crimes and non-compliance with the peculiarities of Military Criminal Law, with emphasis on the penalty of impediment, applicable to the military crime of insubordination (article 183), as the (new) sole paragraph of article 79 of the military criminal law establishes that “in the case of cumulative application of penalties (cumulative material) of imprisonment and detention, the former is executed first”, mentioning nothing about the impediment. Faced with the problem presented, through a systematic interpretation of several legal diplomas, it seeks possible legal solutions, in light of the Military Service Law, considering the phases of military criminal prosecution.

Author Biography

Milord Silva, Ministério Público Militar

Master in Police Sciences of Security and Public Order from the Center for Higher Security Studies of the Military Police of the State of São Paulo. Specialist in Criminal Procedural Law from the Escola Paulista da Magistratura. Bachelor of Law from Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul and Bachelor of Police Sciences in Security and Public Order from the Military Police Academy of Barro Branco. Military Justice Prosecutor, currently head of the 4th Office of the 4th Military Justice Prosecutor's Office in Rio de Janeiro. Unpaid Reserve Officer of the Military Police of the State of São Paulo.
CV Lates:


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Milord José Guimarães Silva



How to Cite

Silva, M. (2024). The compatibility of the military penal code with the penal code in the competition of crimes:: non-observance of the peculiarities of military criminal law regarding the application of penalties depriving freedom in cases of material accumulation. The impediment penalty. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 51(42), 369–388. Retrieved from