Achievements of women in Brazil: A timeline of laws and public policies
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14203720
rights, women, history, protective legislationAbstract
This article presents a timeline of the main achievements of women in Brazil, focusing on the laws and public policies that have ensured fundamental rights throughout history. The main objective is to illustrate the trajectory of feminists, highlighting their struggles and contributions, as well as to strengthen the defense of feminism in contemporary times. To achieve this goal, a descriptive methodology was employed, characterized by documentary research, which analyzed historical milestones from 1827 to 2024. The research covered crucial events, such as the approval of the Maria da Penha Law in 2006 and the classification of femicide in 2015, highlighting the legislative transformations aimed at protecting women's rights. The collected data reveal that, despite significant advances in the achievement of rights, considerable challenges still persist that must be addressed to achieve full gender equality. These challenges include the prevalence of gender-based violence and inequality in the labor market. The analysis of historical and legislative milestones highlights the importance of the feminist struggle in building a fairer and more equitable space. It is concluded that, although the trajectory of women in Brazil has been marked by important achievements, the continuity of the fight for rights and the promotion of inclusive public policies are essential to ensure the effectiveness of these rights and the overcoming of existing inequalities.
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