Reflection on the Conventionality of Criminal Protection of Federal Military Women before the Military Justice of the Union in the Context of Domestic or Family Violence or Arising from an Intimate Relationship of Affection.


  • Bruno Batista da Costa Técnico Judiciário da Justiça Militar da União.Pós-graduado em Direito Constitucional eem Direito Militar.Pós-graduando em Direitos Humanos


Conventionality, Criminal Guardianship, Military Women, Domestic or Family Violence, Union Military Justice


The issue of penal protection in cases of violence against women is increasingly debated, not only internally, but also in the international system for the protection of human rights. Thus, it is necessary to reflect on the extent to which it is conventional for the Federal Military Justice to judge crimes committed by military personnel against federal military women.


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How to Cite

Costa, B. B. da. (2023). Reflection on the Conventionality of Criminal Protection of Federal Military Women before the Military Justice of the Union in the Context of Domestic or Family Violence or Arising from an Intimate Relationship of Affection. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 48(35), 319–352. Retrieved from