Application of the Bidding Law in Military Justice of the Union

Sanctionatory Perspectives (Fine Penalty) and Procedural


  • Wendell Petrachim Araujo Especialista em Direito Público


Law 13.491/2011, Bidding Law, Military crime, Possibility, New criminal and procedural perspectives


The purpose of this article is to carry out a critical-legal analysis of the legislative change promoted by Law 13.491/2017, which amended the Military Penal Code (CPM), making it possible to process and prosecute crimes not provided for in the Military Codex, including the inserts in the Bidding Law. In this light, an approach to the theme will be made in order to bring new interpretive perspectives (criminal and procedural) about bidding crimes (differentiating them, even, from irregular administrative acts and acts of improbity) in military justice. To this end, an approach will be made regarding the amendment promoted by the ordinary legislator in the military criminal law, followed by the nuances established by Law 8.666/93 and its due comparison with the military legislation – CPM and the Military Criminal Procedure Code) (CPPM). This aspect is extremely relevant as reflective proposals will be outlined to conclude whether or not the application of the military adjective rite in its investigation, as well as the possibility of applying the fine (provided for in all criminal types found in the bidding law).


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How to Cite

Araujo, W. P. (2023). Application of the Bidding Law in Military Justice of the Union: Sanctionatory Perspectives (Fine Penalty) and Procedural. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 47(33), 299–344. Retrieved from



Tomo I - Artigos temáticos: Corrupção e crimes afins