The military’ servitude and the Armed Forces police power over military fortifications’ neighborhood areas


  • Cirelene Maria da Silva Rondon de Assis Especialista em Direito Penal e Processual Penal Militar


Military Administrative Law, Eminent domain, Police Power, Military servitude, Military interest area, Military fortifications


The main objective of this study was to identify the police power of the brazilian’s Armed Forces in their fortifications bordering areas and to analyse, legally, the harmonic coexistence of the exercise of this eminent domain with the routine of the local population. Over the years, with the natural growth of cities, the military barracks began to integrate into the urban conglomerate, that which certainly demands the adoption of restrictive measures applicable to the preservation of the public interest, especially in the maintenance of regular preparation for the combat readiness of the Armed Forces; without, however, neglecting the protection of the physical integrity of individuals who transit through these immediate areas. In this thematic, the qualification of military servitude stands out and, therefore, the incidence of police power in the spaces that border military fortifications and, although these matters are still evolving in a legal and jurisprudential way, this does not relieve the public agent of his power to act in accordance with the current legislation. It is with the perception, under this point of view, of balance between the ordinary local tensions existing in the areas neighboring the military barracks that the present essay looked.


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How to Cite

Assis, C. M. da S. R. de. (2023). The military’ servitude and the Armed Forces police power over military fortifications’ neighborhood areas. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 47(33), 135–180. Retrieved from



Tomo II - Artigos de temas variados