Criminal law of legal interest

legitimacy of the typical construction of criminal offenses in law 52/2003: 22nd August 2003 (Anti-terrorism law)


  • Diego Pessi Promotor de Justiça do Ministério Público do Rio Grande do Sul


Typicity, Legal interest, Terrorism, Risk, Disadvantage of caution-of-danger


Criminal law of legal interest. Risk society. Concept of legal object, material object, concrete and abstract danger. Danger result. Anticipation of protection of legal interest. Legitimacy of the typical construction of criminal offenses in crimes of the anti-terrorism law.


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How to Cite

Pessi, D. (2023). Criminal law of legal interest: legitimacy of the typical construction of criminal offenses in law 52/2003: 22nd August 2003 (Anti-terrorism law). Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 46(30), 1–10. Retrieved from