Military Criminal Expertise

An Analysis for Experts and Users of Military Expertise


  • Guilherme Vieira Marques 2º Sargento do Exército Brasilieiro. Perito Criminal Militar


Military Criminal Expertise, Expert in Charge, Ad Hoc Expert, Preservation of a crime scene, Number of experts, Time frame


Military Criminal Expertise, although it is a branch still known to few of the military public, is an essential activity for the establishment of technical evidence for Military Justice. A brief analysis of the legal aspects of a Military Expert’s role will be made. Also, some nuances regarding the expert in charge and the ad hoc expert will be introduced. In addition, some thoughts will be presented on the importance of the preservation of the crime scene, demonstrating the obstacles that the expert finds in the exercise of his duty, as well as the consequences related to a lack of reliability of the scene. This article also clarifies the number of experts regulated by the specific legislation, explores the possibility of Military Experts participating in other procedural acts, as well as presents some considerations about the time frame for submitting reports. However, it is primarily aimed at the debate and dissemination of this technical branch.


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How to Cite

Marques, G. V. (2023). Military Criminal Expertise: An Analysis for Experts and Users of Military Expertise. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 45(28), 237–258. Retrieved from