Recognition of the principle of insignificance by the military judicial police authority
applicability, Postulate of Insignificance, Military Judicial Police AuthorityAbstract
The present study aims to discuss the possibility of recognizing material atypicality by the Military Judicial Police Authority, applying as a result, when the jurisprudential requirements are met, the postulate of trifle. First, we will try to deal with the subject under the principle of substantive law, that is, on the reflexes in Castrense Criminal Law. Subsequently, after placing the reader in the material premise, we will approach the Military Criminal Procedural aspect, studying the trifle fact under the procedural approach, verifying the possibility of its recognition in the military demands by the Military Judicial Police Authority. As for the conclusion, in view of the evolution of criminal science studies, with regard to the application of material typicality by law operators, to which the Military Judiciary Police Authority must necessarily be included, when verifying the completion of the objective beacons carved in the habeas corpus n. 138.134/BA by the Federal Supreme Court, it is perfectly possible to recognize the insignificance of the formally typical infraction.
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