The eyre the judge inspector-auditor in the military police inquiry notices at odds with the criminal justice system adopted in Brazil


  • Naghimy Magdala Dilly de Medeiros Rassy Teixeira Advogada


Accusatory system, Military Criminal Procedure, Federal Constitution, Military Prosecution Service, Military Judge, Eyre, Incompatibility


This text aims to demonstrate that Article 14, paragraph I, letter “c” of Law No. 8,457/92 (Organization of the Law of Justice Union military), is inconsistent with the Federal Constitution of 1988. Such a device regulates that one of Judge Inspector-Auditor of skills is to make complaint against judge misconduct, representing the Superior Military Court, if it considers that there is evidence crime and authorship in case of inquiry ordered filed by Military Judge after the pronouncement of the prosecution military. We will seek to prove that such jurisdiction of Judge Inspector-Auditor is contrary to the procedural system adopted in Brazil, due to the ownership of the Military Prosecution Service in criminal proceedings and the impartiality and independence of the Military Judge.


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How to Cite

Teixeira, N. M. D. de M. R. (2023). The eyre the judge inspector-auditor in the military police inquiry notices at odds with the criminal justice system adopted in Brazil. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 43(26), 1–24. Retrieved from