Crimes em licitações e contratos no âmbito das Forças Armadas

reflexões sobre a atual tipificação legal


  • Verônica Freitas Rodrigues Alves Assessora jurídica do Gabinete do Procurador-Geral de Justiça Militar


Bid, Government contracts, Assets under military administration, Crimes, Military Penal Code, Law 8.666/93, Jurisdiction


The Armed Forces, as well as other agencies of the federal Direct Administration, contract the supply of goods, provision of services and the execution of works, with the fulcrum fundamentally in Law 8.666/93. There is no doubt about the obligation of compliance with the aforementioned law provisions regarding the bidding process and the formalization and execution of contracts. However, debate on the doctrine and case law on the applicability of the criminal offenses defined in Law 8.666/93 when the criminal conduct achieving equity under military administration. In this line of thinking, this article has the purpose to open discussions on the topic, given the limited scope of the proposed classification in the Military Penal Code for such conduct results, often, in impunity.


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How to Cite

Alves, V. F. R. (2023). Crimes em licitações e contratos no âmbito das Forças Armadas: reflexões sobre a atual tipificação legal. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 42(25), 301–330. Retrieved from