Reflexos jurídicos do emprego da artilharia antiaérea


  • Marcos Fernando Theodoro Pinheiro Juiz de Direito Substituto da Justiça Militar do Estado de São Paulo


Anti-aircraft Artillery, Anti-aircraft shot, Legal Consequences


The present text shows the legal aspects of the use of Anti-Aircraft Artillery, from the point of view of domestic legislation and international treaties to which Brazil is a signatory. It also presents the various conjunctures in which this air defense may be being used, going from the situation of institutional normality, acts of terrorism or even periods of armed conflict. Are discussed further how is the functioning of the Antiaircraft and Aerospace Defense systems as well as the chain of actions that result in antiaircraft fire. The antiaircraft fire consequences are studied under the perspective of the criminal and civil results. It also studies about the competent courts for trial possible crimes that may occur during the antiaircraft fire. Finally, we studied the hypothetical use of the Antiaircraft Artillery and the main legal consequences arising therefrom.


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How to Cite

Pinheiro, M. F. T. (2023). Reflexos jurídicos do emprego da artilharia antiaérea. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 40(23), 309–338. Retrieved from