The defense of honor and violence against women



defense of honor, Jury court, Violence against women


Dealing with the theme “The defense of honor and violence against women” is undoubtedly extremely complex. Society as a whole needs to recognize the gravity of violence against women and work to eradicate it once and for all. The justification for this work is to bring an approach on the importance of defending honor and violence against women, basing the light of rights on the elements that stand out for female dignity. The general objective of this research is to critically analyze the defense of honor as a justification for violence against women in Brazil and its implications for the legal system and society in general. It is important to highlight that the Maria da Penha Law is an important instrument for the protection of women's rights in Brazil. However, its effective application depends not only on the performance of the legal system, but also on a cultural change in Brazilian society. The applied methodology is part of the path to be followed through a grounded work through a bibliographical research through renowned and current authors that will bring with it a greater contribution of analysis of the generating theme.

Author Biography


Specialization in Jury Court and Criminal Execution,
Faculty Legale, FALEG. Attorney.
CV Lates:


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Capa edição 42



How to Cite

COSTA DE OLIVEIRA ARCANJO, L. H. (2024). The defense of honor and violence against women. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 51(42), 51–72. Retrieved from