Education in human rights as an essential training in the preparation of military people


  • Fernando Teófilo Campos Military Public Ministry
  • Luciano Leite Pereira Military Public Ministry


human rights, Agulhas Negras Military Academy, disciplinary curriculum, special border platoons, indigenous communities


This article aims to analyze the adequacy of the curriculum of the Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras (AMAN) in the face of the chash between the legal norms existing in indigenous communities adjacent to the Special Border Platoons (PEF) of the Brazilian Army. Within this system, it is essential that the military personnel who will be employed in these deployments understand the issue of Human Rights. It appears that the PEF are troop fractions that consist of detachments located in cross-border regions, having vital importance in the integration of the country and maintenance of national sovereignty. AMAN’s central objective is to train young Land Force officers for the duties inherent to the position of Lieutenant. One of these roles is PEF Commander. In these places, indigenous communities have their own principles, rules and sanctions that, at times, differ form those conceived by the current Democratic State of Law. In this sense, the consequence, to resolve disputes that have as their subtrate norms arising from these local indigenous communities. In this way, we seek to analyze whether AMAN’s teaching programmatic content allows officers to understand the importance of Human Rights, especially in places where there are parallel legal orders, so that they can adequately carry out their missions. Finally, we seek to demonstrate the importance of this legal knowledge for the efficient performance of the Brazilian Army officer in this complex scenario.

Author Biographies

Fernando Teófilo Campos, Military Public Ministry

Military Justice Prosecutor
CV Lattes:

Luciano Leite Pereira, Military Public Ministry

Military Justice Prosecutor


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Fernando Teófilo Campos



How to Cite

Teófilo Campos, F., & Leite Pereira, L. (2024). Education in human rights as an essential training in the preparation of military people. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 51(42), 429–452. Retrieved from