Maria da Penha Law in the Light of Military Law

the Right to Priority Access to the Removal of the Military Servant Victim of Domestic and Family Violence against Women


  • Monick de Souza Quintas Advogada regularmente inscrita na OAB/DF. Pós-graduada em Direito Público e Privado pelo UNIJUR. Pós-graduada em Direito Militar pelo CBEPJUR (Universidade Cândido Mendes). Membro da Comissão de Direito Militar da OAB/DF (2016-2018). Membro da Comissão Nacional de Direito Militar da ABA (2017-2019). Presidente da Comissão Nacional de Direito Militar da ABA (2019). Membro da Associação Brasileira Feminina de Ciências Militares (ABFCM), desde 2020. Coautora do Estatuto dos Militares comentado


Maria da Penha Law, Military Movement, Military Woman, Removal, Military Servant, Military Transfer, Welfare Measure


This article is focused on the assistance measure of priority access to the removal of the servant in a situation of domestic and family violence, based on article 9, §2, I, of Law n. 11.340, of August 7, 2006 (Maria da Penha Law), aiming at the preservation of the right to life, physical integrity, security, work and family, legal assets considered more relevant than the military duty itself, thus respecting the ideals of citizenship, the constitutional principle regarding equality, as well as the struggle for the application of Human Rights, also observed in military life.


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How to Cite

Quintas, M. de S. (2023). Maria da Penha Law in the Light of Military Law: the Right to Priority Access to the Removal of the Military Servant Victim of Domestic and Family Violence against Women. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 49(36), 391–408. Retrieved from