A progressão do regime nos crimes militares ante as realizações especiais de sujeição


  • Maria Elizabeth Guimarães Teixeira Rocha Ministra Vice-Presidente do Superior Tribunal Militar
  • Micheline Barboza Balduino Ribeiro Especialista em Direito Processual Penal


Regime Progression. Military Crimes, Special Relations of Submission, Military Stablishment, Equality, Penal Execution Law, Restriction of Rights, Penalty Individualization, Postulates of Reasonableness and Proportionality


The concession of progression in regime is denied in the military Justice, under the understanding that the military subjected to incarceration in a prison establishment of the Armed Forces subject to the special criminal law, and not the Penal Execution Law. In the present article we tried to emphasize the discussion about the possibility of giving the benesse under Milicien Criminal Law permeates the item XLVIII of art. 5 of the Magna Carta, from which it extracts that the sanction must be “served in separate establishments, according to the nature of the offense, the age and sex of the convict.” The art. 61 of the Military Penal Code, to regulate the enforcement of custodial sentence in exegesis restrictive, is being interpreted in disagreement with the postulate of equality, because from the custodied on enclousure of the Armed Forces, is subtracted the guarantee of progression. We conclude, then, in favor of an innovative hermeneutics about the intelligence of the legis in order to authorize the prevalence of the achievements implemented by the Criminal Execution Law and give effect to the principles of reasonableness, proportionality and, above all, the individualization of reprimand.


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How to Cite

Rocha, M. E. G. T., & Ribeiro, M. B. B. (2023). A progressão do regime nos crimes militares ante as realizações especiais de sujeição. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 40(23), 9–32. Retrieved from https://revista.mpm.mp.br/rmpm/article/view/296