The freedom of speech on social networks in Democratic Rule of Law: The impact of its unregulated use on democratic practices


  • Ângela Montenegro Taveira Ministério Público Militar


freedom of speech, social networks, Democratic Rule of Law


The goal of this article was to analyze how the abusive use of social networks has impacted democratic practices, political debate upon individual rights, guarantees and freedoms. To this end, the freedom of speech in digital media is analyzed from the perspective of the principle of equality under Democratic Rule of law disseminated on social media by political, religious and ideological groups. The need to create mechanisms to control and modulate misinformation and inappropriate content circulating on social networks, especially fake news, is highlighted. In conclusion, it is pointed out the need to improve control mechanisms for internet use by drafting a law on freedom, responsibility and transparency in the use of applications, social networks and information search mechanisms, a concern that transcends borders and demands an integrated and universal solution.

Author Biography

Ângela Montenegro Taveira, Ministério Público Militar

Military Justice Prosecutor, member of the Military Public Ministry. General Secretary of the PGJM/MPM Research and Research Support Secretariat. MPM representative in the Criminal Intelligence GT of the National Group to Combat Criminal Organizations – GNCOC. Member of the MPM Observatory to combat Corruption. Member of the MPM Strategic Information Technology Committee (CETI). Member of the Working Group – GT for monitoring and disseminating the Investigation Support System of the Commission for the Defense of Administrative Probity – CDPA.
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How to Cite

Montenegro Taveira, Ângela. (2023). The freedom of speech on social networks in Democratic Rule of Law: The impact of its unregulated use on democratic practices. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 50(41), 435–470. Retrieved from