Military status in the crime of desertion

what changes with the insertion of art. 34-A in the Military Service Act


  • Daniel Souza Nogueira Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul


Military condition, Procedure, Continuity


Recurring doubt in the study on the military crime of desertion falls on the condition of military in the procedural phase of military criminal action. With the advent of Law 13.954 / 2019, which restructured the career of the Union's military, the Military Service Law, among other changes, there were considerable changes in its art. 34, including the insertion of art. 34-A that allows the licensing of the temporary military at the end of the period of service, even if it is responsible for the crime of desertion. The objective of the study is to clarify what changes with the insertion of the aforementioned article in relation to the processing of military criminal action, more specifically in cases where the condition of military is essential to the process. Therefore, the research will seek to bring a minimum of knowledge about the military crime of desertion, in addition to the jurisprudential evolution of our Superior Courts. Finally, it will also be sought to have judgments on the conditions of procedurality and continuity of military.


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How to Cite

Nogueira , D. S. (2023). Military status in the crime of desertion: what changes with the insertion of art. 34-A in the Military Service Act. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 47(32), 107–128. Retrieved from