The applicability of the figure of the undercover investigator and the digital investigator in the sphere of the military judicial police
military judicial police, Law 12.850/2013, Criminal Organization Law, Law 13.491/2017, undercover investigator, digital investigatorAbstract
This article analyzes the criminal organization law and the use of undercover agents in the military judicial police, with the aim of understanding the rules and legalities that govern the participation of these professionals. The methodology used was the bibliographical review of laws and jurisprudence, as well as the critical analysis of the legal provisions related to the theme. The results show that the Criminal Organization Law is an important tool for combating organized crime, allowing the investigation of criminal groups and providing for punitive measures for their members. However, it is essential that the military judicial police strictly follow the rules established by law, including obtaining judicial authorization and respecting the rights of those being investigated. In addition, the use of undercover agents in the military judicial police is regulated by specific laws, establishing clear guidelines for carrying out undercover police investigations. During the operation, the agent impersonates a criminal but must avoid committing crimes and not encourage the criminal organization to commit new transgressions, thus, not becoming an agent provocateur. With the enactment of Law 13.491/2017, the application of special laws is allowed to compensate for the fact that there are crimes and legal procedures not provided for in the Brazilian military penal code and that of military criminal procedure. Therefore, it is essential to maintain a constant process of training and updating of professionals who work in the military judicial police, in order to guarantee effectiveness and justice in the investigation and fight against crimes in the military sphere.
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