The concept of resoluteness applied to the Military Public Prosecutor’s Office and the use of Recommendation as a tool in the development of public policies for the prevention of suicides in the Armed Forces


  • Rafael Martins Liberato de Oliveira Military Public Prosercutor's Office
  • Vinícius Matheus Ferreira Lima Military Public Prosercutor's Office


resoluteness, Public Prosecutor’s Office, Military Public Prosecutor’s Office, recommendation, suicide, public policies


The present article, based on research conducted through deductive and legal-comprehensive methods, aims to analyze the concept of “Resolutive Public Prosecutor’s Office” and how it can be applied within the scope of the Military Public Prosecutor’s Office in the face of a concrete problem: how to implement public policies that contribute to reducing the number of suicides that occur in the Armed Forces, especially among military personnel serving in the most remote areas of the country, such as the Amazon region. We begin with an anlysis of the historical overcoming of “judicial demandism” o excessive litigation approach, which prevailed in the Public Prosecutor’s Officer for a long time, by the modern notion of resoluteness, which should guide the members of the Parquet in the exercise of their institutional duties, prioritizing more effective solutions to problems involving rights and interests under its protection, including through extrajudicial mechanisms provided by law. We revisit the constitutional mission of the Military Parquet, arguing that its role is not limited to being the prosecutor in military criminal cases, as it is also the duty of this institution to promote the defense of legal interests related to issues related to the Armed Forces. In this way, we conclude that it is the duty of the Military Public Prosecutor’s Office to contribute to the development of public policies aimed at reducing the number of suicides among federal military personnel. We analyze the currently existing internal norms regarding the maintenance of mental health support structures within the Armed Forces and the factors that hinder their implementation, especially in more remote areas of the Brazilian territory, such as the Amazon region. Finally, we conclude that issuing recommendations and monitoring public policies are ways in which the Military Public Prosecutor’s Office can address this issue in light of its constitutional duties

Author Biographies

Rafael Martins Liberato de Oliveira , Military Public Prosercutor's Office

Military Justice Prosecutor
CV Lattes:

Vinícius Matheus Ferreira Lima, Military Public Prosercutor's Office

Military Justice Prosecutor



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Capa ed. 42



How to Cite

Martins Liberato de Oliveira , R., & Matheus Ferreira Lima, V. (2024). The concept of resoluteness applied to the Military Public Prosecutor’s Office and the use of Recommendation as a tool in the development of public policies for the prevention of suicides in the Armed Forces. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 51(42), 475–504. Retrieved from