Appeal in the Strict Sense in Military Criminal Proceedings

Brief Discussion on Items


  • Ataliba Dias Ramos Juiz Federal Substituto da Justiça Militar da União, atualmente lotado na 10ª Circunscrição Judiciária Militar. Pós-Graduado em Direito Público pela Faculdade Fortium


Appeal in the Strict Sense, Federal Military Justice, Code of Military Criminal Procedure, Specialized Doctrine, Superior Military Court


The appeal in the strict sense is one of the main means of impugnation against court decisions of the first instance in the military justice, which is why this study, with a greater focus on the Federal Military Justice, initially seeks to bring a brief concept about appeals in general and proceeds to define the appeal under discussion. The principle of exactivity and the possibility of applying an extensive interpretation are highlighted. The article’s main reflections revolve around the analysis of the discussions about items "a", "b" and "g" of article 516 of the Code of Military Criminal Procedure, all based on the text of specific legislation, specialized doctrine and jurisprudence, in particular that of the Superior Military Court.


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How to Cite

Ramos, A. D. (2023). Appeal in the Strict Sense in Military Criminal Proceedings: Brief Discussion on Items. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 48(35), 369–385. Retrieved from