The (un)constitutionality of submission of civilians to military criminal jurisdiction of the union
Union Military Justice competence, Civil judgment, Penal Military Jurisdiction about civilsAbstract
- This article has the goal of studing the (un) constitutionality of submitting civilians to the criminal jurisdiction of the Union Military Justice. The relevance of this issue is associated with its current interpretive evolution, both in the Brazilian legal system, as in the plan of Comparative Law. It was used the bibliographic exploratory research method, with analysis of constitutional and legal provisions related to the theme, as well as court decisions, always referring to the positioning of specialized scholars. The results showed that the submission of civilians to military criminal jurisdiction of the Union is in accordance with the internal legal order, and this evolved, historically, from the condition of a personal jurisdiction for a subject matter jurisdiction, more specifically, the protection of the Military Institutions, related to the existence and maintenance of the State. Also reinforced this understanding the fact that the Brazilian Military Justice has constitutional provision, integrate the Judiciary and respect modern guarantees of the Criminal Procedure, which differs it from the structure of Martial or Military Courts present in the other countries analyzed. Then, this scenario allowed the conclusion that the submission of civilians to military criminal jurisdiction of the Union does not violate the Constitution. However, its constitutionality does not remove the desire for a legislative update, at what is suggested, finally, that civilians start to be judged, monocratically, by the Military Judge.
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