Aspects of Institutional Experience


  • Adriana Santos Promotora de Justiça Militar


Military Prosecutor Office, Public Prosecutor's Office, Democracy, Access to justice, Training of Members, Performance


The relevance of reflection at the moment when the MPM (Military Prosecutor Office) reaches a significant existential milestone with the celebration of its centenary. The knowledge of prosecutors should include, besides the scientific and doctrinal aspects of Law, other human sciences, such as philosophy, history and sociology, with a view to identifying and improving the application of Law and legal precepts, considered the complexity of modern society and new demands, which require to be inserted in the social context, as well as the permanent search for social peace. The role of the MP (Public Prosecutor's Office) and the Judiciary in solving the demands. Importance of effective access to Justice and the MP in this objective, which must ensure and improve the quality of the jurisdictional provision. MPM after the changes introduced by the 1988 Federal Constitution.


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How to Cite

Santos, A. (2023). MPM: Aspects of Institutional Experience. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 47(33), 347–396. Retrieved from



Tomo I - Visão de membro do MPM sobre a carreira