The limits and consequences of the right of silence


  • Cyro Wojcikiewicz de Almeida Coelho Bacharelando da Faculdade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Rio. Estagiágio da 3 Procuradoria do Ministério Público Militar do Estado do Rio De Janeiro.
  • Irineu Carvalho de Oliveira Soares Doutor e Mestre em Sociologia e Direito pela Universidade Federal Fluminense(PPGSD/UFF). Professor do curso de Direito e Coordenador de Pesquisa da Faculdade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Rio e do Centro Universitário São José(UniSJ). Membro do Laboratório Fluminense de Estudos Processuais (LAFEP/UFF).
  • Antonio Carlos Gomes Facuri Revisores
  • Luciano Moreira Gorrilhas Revisores


right of silent, limits of the right of silence, consequences of silence, formal truth, real truth


This article presents a panoramic analysis of the right to remain silent as a species of the right not to produce evidence against oneself, taking into account different doctrinal positions for a better understanding of its scope. From this discussion, the text explores the debate between real truth and formal truth, considering the nature and importance of the right to remain silent in the Brazilian legal system. In addition, the article also addresses the direct consequences of exercising this right in criminal proceedings, such as the defendant's loss of the opportunity to present evidence and the subjectivity of the judge's conviction. Finally, specific situations are discussed in which the right to remain silent does not have any effect, considering the legal and ethical implications involved.


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How to Cite

Coelho, C. W. de A., Soares, I. C. de O., Facuri, A. C. G., & Gorrilhas, L. M. (2023). The limits and consequences of the right of silence. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 50(39), 285–308. Retrieved from

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