
the Kafka’s Court


  • Adriana Santos Promotora de Justiça Militar.Graduada, Mestre e Doutora em Filosofiapelo Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais –IFCS/UFRJ.


Judicial System, Guarantees of the Jurisdiction, The Trial, Franz Kafka, Rule of Law, District Court, Access to Justice


A scientific research, based on the phenomenological and multidisciplinary method, on the legal references contained in the work Der Process, The Trial, by Franz Kafka, allows to identify possible points concerning the judicial system portrayed in the novel, in particular regarding the court. The importance of a legal interpretation, in order to highlight the protagonism of the 'process' in the Rule of Law, show Kafka's message to society: to assume its role in the legislative discussion about procedural rules, whose improvement constitutes a permanent duty of citizenship, to ensure the guarantees of the jurisdiction, as well as access to justice.


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How to Cite

Santos, A. (2023). Bezirksgericht: the Kafka’s Court. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 49(36), 459–499. Retrieved from