Visão crítica sobre a Polícia Judiciária Militar


  • Antônio Pereira Duarte Procurador de Justiça Militar
  • José Carlos Couto de Carvalho Subprocurador-Geral de Justiça Militar aposentado


Military Judicial Police, Criticism, Controversial points, Performance, Prospects


The military judicial police model that was upheld by the Military Criminal Procedure Code of 1969 does not match the existing constitutional postulates, nor does it provide the necessary security for the specialized agencies responsible for the application of the military criminal law, by distancing itself from a skilled investigation that can only be achieved by a scientific police. The huge range of events and complex issues, controversial or difficult to solve, complain of Judicial Policy accurate technical preparation and specialized view of investigative science. Consequently, it is essential a paradigm shift in order to better adapt the institution to the advances in technical investigation in a desired search for efficiency.


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How to Cite

Duarte, A. P., & Carvalho, J. C. C. de. (2023). Visão crítica sobre a Polícia Judiciária Militar. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 42(25), 11–36. Retrieved from