Reflections on the Protocol for Trial with a Gender Perspective in the Military Justice of the Union


  • Monick de Souza Quintas Pós-graduada em Direito Público e Privado pelo UNIJUR (Instituto Savonitti). Pós-graduada em Direito Militar pelo CBEPJUR (Universidade Cândido Mendes). Ex-membro da Comissão de Direito Militar da OAB/DF (2016-2018) Ex-membro da Comissão Nacional de Direito Militar da ABA (2017-2019). Ex-presidente da Comissão Nacional de Direito Militar da ABA (2019). Advogada regularmente inscrita na OAB/DF
  • Luciano Moreira Gorrilhas Revisores
  • Fernando Hugo Miranda Teles Revisores


gender, equality, judgment, military justice, gender perspective, protocol


The “Gender Perspective Trial Protocol” was launched during the plenary session of the National Council of Justice (CNJ) on October 19, 2021, aiming to achieve gender equality and Sustainable Development Goal 5 of the United Nations' 2030 Agenda. As a result, CNJ Recommendation No. 128 was issued, recommending the adoption of the document within the Brazilian Judiciary. In this manuscript, we will provide brief reflections on the impact of the Protocol on the Military Justice of the Union.


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How to Cite

Quintas, M. de S., Gorrilhas, L. M., & Teles , F. H. M. (2023). Reflections on the Protocol for Trial with a Gender Perspective in the Military Justice of the Union. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 50(39), 159–182. Retrieved from

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