he role of the International Criminal Court in the International Armed Conflict between Russia and Ukraine:

The issuance of the arrest warrant against Vladimir Putin and Maria Alekseyevna


  • João Carlos de Figueiredo Rocha Especialização em Pós Graduação lato sensu em Direito Militar. Universidade Candido Mendes, UCAM. Graduação em Direito pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (2007). Diretor de Secretaria da 3ª Auditoria da 1ª Circunscrição Judiciária Militar.
  • Luciano Moreira Gorrilhas Revisores
  • Fernando Hugo Miranda Teles Revisores


International Criminal Court, competence, arrest warrant, international armed conflict, International Criminal Law


The issuance of an arrest warrant against the leader of one of the world's greatest powers and who is a member of the UN Security Council represents a turning point in International Criminal Law and in the performance of the International Criminal Court, which until then was criticized for being limited to agents of states with little relevance on the world stage. The measure, although not feasible at the moment, punishes and restricts the movement of Vladimir Putin and Maria Alekseyevna across almost the entire globe, sending a relevant – and necessary – message to inhibit the practice of international crimes.


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How to Cite

Rocha, J. C. de F., Gorrilhas, L. M., & Teles , F. H. M. (2023). he role of the International Criminal Court in the International Armed Conflict between Russia and Ukraine: : The issuance of the arrest warrant against Vladimir Putin and Maria Alekseyevna. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 50(39), 223–236. Retrieved from https://revista.mpm.mp.br/rmpm/article/view/271

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