The need for change in the Military Judiciary Police model in view of the contemporary functions of the Police Inquiry

initial considerations


  • Janaina Soares Prazeres Nascimento Capitão de Corveta da Marinha do Brasil
  • AntonioCarlos Gomes Facuri Revisores
  • Luciano Moreira Gorrilhas Revisores


investigation, military crimes, military judicial police, improvement, military police investigation, investigative body


Even before the entry into force of Law nº 13.491/17, responsible for increasing competence, the Federal Military Justice and its various actors have been working to improve the criminal prosecution system, in particular, the pre-procedural phase. Although efforts have intensified, little has been developed in the military criminal investigation system. According to recent research, the numbers involving the investigation and judgment of the most recurrent cases, such as drug possession, are disproportionate to those that require greater technicality, such as bidding crimes, criminal organization and even cybercrimes. It is a fact that some crimes are not reported due to the lack of minimal evidence and that others are reached by prescription. Analyzing these perspectives, it is inferred that the technical lack of investigations affects the entire military criminal prosecution system, which needs a change in its model to print greater efficiency.


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How to Cite

Nascimento, J. S. P., Facuri , A. G., & Gorrilhas , L. M. (2023). The need for change in the Military Judiciary Police model in view of the contemporary functions of the Police Inquiry: initial considerations. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 50(39), 47–76. Retrieved from

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