The sealing of the intimate visit in military prison system from the perspective of dignity of the human person


  • Antônio Pereira Duarte Procurador de Justiça Militar em Brasília(DF)


Military prison, Conjugal visits, Human dignity, Military values, Balance of interests, Principle of respct for prisoners


The present study examines the issue of conjugal visits in the context of military prisons, showing that your fence, due to the peculiarities of this context and the absence of a minimum structure that can guarantee the fulfillment of this human need, ends up clashing up with the foundation of human dignity and the constitutional principles that support the figure of any prisoner, leaving it to the military Public prosecution, as a specialized branch of the Public Ministry of the Union to undertake measures to ensure, at the military prison system, the care of these constitutional postulates. This assertion is justified following the precedent of the Supreme Court that understands it be lawful for the judiciary to impose on the public administration a must do obligation, who consists the promotion of measures or implementation of emergency works in prisons to give effect to the principle of human dignity and ensure detainees respect for their physical and moral integrity.


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How to Cite

Duarte, A. P. (2023). The sealing of the intimate visit in military prison system from the perspective of dignity of the human person. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 43(26), 1–24. Retrieved from