Extravagant Military Sabotage Crime


  • Cícero Robson Coimbra Neves Promotor de Justiça Militar


sabotage, military crime, extravagant crime, improperly military crime


This research focuses on the crime of sabotage, with the purpose of verifying the possibility of its configuration as a military crime, using the hypothetical-deductive method, but transiting in some fundamental elements of the criminal type, as well as identifying possible apparent conflicts. As demonstrated throughout this work, the conclusion of the studies revealed that, with regard to the crime of sabotage, it is understood that it is perfectly possible to characterize it as an extravagant military crime which, as such, constitutes an improperly military crime.


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How to Cite

Neves, C. R. C. (2023). Extravagant Military Sabotage Crime. Revista Do Ministério Público Militar, 49(37), 243–271. Retrieved from https://revista.mpm.mp.br/rmpm/article/view/19

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