Military justice in time of war
Military criminal proceedings, Wartime, Military Justice organizationAbstract
The main goal of this work is to highlight the legal structure with respect to military justice, military crimes, and the process of prosecution during wartime. Accordingly, the starting point is the existence of a war and the occurrence of war crime during such a period. Such crimes can happen on the battlefield or specifically in a Brazilian territory occupied by Brazilian troops. The logic driving this process is the large number of judicial proceedings requiring an expedited time frame, as well as the possibility of restricted constitutional guarantees due to the unusual circumstances, such as limited possibilities for appeal. There exist several different departments of the government that engage in a sort of “procedural turf war”. The author proposes that these departments work together with the military to create new structures specifically designed to cope with wartime criminal offenses.The discussion of this topic is immediately relevant. The procedural structures proposed in this article have other potential uses outside of a war scenario, such as in the case of a severe breakdown of public order that requires federal intervention in a state.
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